Four Year Old Program

A typical day in our four year old classroom begins as each child enters the classroom and is greeted individually by his or her teachers. The children then sit down for welcome circle where they share a greeting, sing songs, look at the day's calendar and themes, and report the weather. "Play and learn" time is a child directed learning experience where the children can choose from many activities that have been planned by the teachers for optimal learning experiences. These choices include play dough, puzzles, sorting and counting activities, sensory table, easel painting, writing & science centers, blocks, dramatic play and classroom library. Throughout the day children learn and share through circle time, art, and small group learning activities where following directions to complete multi-step tasks is the goal. Snack time is a chance to practice manners and conversation skills; and large motor skills are practiced on the playground or in the multi purpose room with the use of scooters, tunnels, balls or obstacle courses and organized large-group active games.
4 Days per Week Options:
Seashore Class:
(This class is open to older 3-year-olds and
any 4-year-old. Must turn 3 by July 1st of previous school year)
Monday - Thursday 9:10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
5 Days per Week Option:
Sunshine Class:
Monday - Friday 8:45-11:40 a.m.