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  Two    Year Old Program


 It's hard for our two year old students to wait in the hall before class time.  Once the teachers open the door, they can't wait to come romping in and get busy exploring the toys and activities in our Toddler Room!


The room features a train table and dramatic play corner with pretend kitchen, tools, Dr's kit and dollies as the mainstays.  Each week, the tabletop puzzles and other manipulative toys, as well as the contents of our sensory bin, change as we rotate through our many and varied collection to offer novel items & opportunities for learning through play.  Two year old students can always (and often do!) curl up on a teacher's lap and read a book from our classroom library shelf. 


We begin each day with a short walk to our gym space or playground for gross motor activities.  Some days the riding toys are out.  If not, teachers set up other apparatus that promote climbing, crawling, jumping on a mini trampoline, rolling on mats, balancing on stepping stones, tossing balls in a hoop, or rocking with friends in a classic preschool wooden boat.


After that, your child has another 30-40mins of free play where they can engage in sensory and fine motor activities, as well as dramatic play.  Following clean up, we foster curiosity and creativity with our developmentally appropriate art and craft time.  Throughout the year,  we introduce new themes such as weather, colors, alphabet and numbers, through different stories and music at circle time.


 To settle down busy bodies and growling tummies, the class shares snack time together before ending the day with good-bye song.

25-26 School Year Offerings

​Little Lightening Bolts Class

Tuesday & Thursday

8:50-10:50 A.M.


Little Comets Class

 Monday & Wednesday

8:50-10:50 A.M.


Little Stars Class *


8:50-10:50 A.M.


*This class may be added as an extra day if enrolled in Little Comets or Little Lightning Bolts simultaneously. Must be two-years old by July 1st to add this option.

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